The Crow of Whitechapel
The Crow of Whitechapel is an immersive virtual reality (VR) narrative game set in the universe of Jack the Ripper. Presented as an interactive graphic novel, it explores themes of social exploitation and moral ambiguity during the Victorian era. The story unfolds in London, 1888, where Jack the Ripper haunts the streets of Whitechapel. As paranoia spreads, a royal surgeon, an aspiring journalist, a street orphan, and a mystic unionist confront their own secrets. Deep within the sordid streets of Whitechapel, they must face their personal demons to save themselves.
This VR experience pushes the boundaries of interactive storytelling, delivering adult themes with a Mignola's style.
Narrative Design / Virtual Reality / Interactive Storytelling / Immersive Graphic Novel
- Personal Role
- Lead Experience & Narrative Designer
- Employer
- Novelab
- Date
- 2022